Monday, July 29, 2013

Shooting for "SUMMER" ^-^

go for shooting yesterday
who was asked by my senior...
I was worried about the weather
since wangsa maju here already started raining
while we're on the way to the shooting destination
luckily once we reached there
the weather is just okay
no big sunshine and no rain...
I like the weather so much~
Cuz no need to shooting under sunlight... XD
the environment at there really not bad...
Full of the green plant
So the photo took quite colourful...
And then I really have to said that
the photographer really very pity and sacrifice
for taking a good photo...
They have to lay down or hide inside the under brush
to catch up the angle for a photo...
So I'm proud with my senior
between I'm very satisfied with the outcome...
Maybe you guys can give some comment about the photo..?

1 comment:

  1. really has a nice picture hahaha and you very pretty also XD
